API 5L qib X52 (L360) PSL1, qib X52N (L360N) PSL2 Tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg, tensile zog thiab txheej kab ntawm phab ntsa thickness tolerances

API 5Lpipeline steel yeeb nkab

Qib steel: L360 lossis X52 (PSL1)

Chemical composition yuav tsum:

C: ≤0.28 (seamless) ≤0.26 (welded)

Mn: ≤1.40

P: ≤0.030

S: ≤0.030

Cu: 0.50 lossis tsawg dua

Tsis muaj: ≤0.50

Cr: ≤0.50

Mo: ≤0.15

*V+Nb+Ti: ≤0.15

* Manganese cov ntsiab lus tuaj yeem nce ntxiv los ntawm 0.05% rau txhua txhua 0.01% txo cov ntsiab lus carbon, mus txog qhov siab tshaj ntawm 1.65%

Mechanical Properties xav tau:

Yield zog: ≥360Mpa

Tensile zog: ≥460Mpa

Weld tensile lub zog ntawm welded steel yeeb nkab: ≥460Mpa

Elongation: ≥1940 * AXC0.2 / 4600.9, qhov twg AXC yog qhov chaw hla ntawm cov qauv tensile

Sab nraud txoj kab uas hla ntawm cov yeeb nkab steel:

Sab nraud txoj kab uas hla D mm Xaus sab nraud kab sib txawv mm
Seamless steel yeeb nkab Welded steel yeeb nkab
<60.3 -0.8 + 0.4
60.3 D lossis tsawg dua 168.3 lossis tsawg dua -0.4, +1.6
168.3 <D≤610 ± 0.005D, tab sis siab tshaj ± 1.6
610 <D≤1422 +/- 2.0 +/- 1.6
> 1422 Los ntawm kev pom zoo


Phab ntsa tuab kam rau ua of hlau cev:

Phab ntsa thickness t mm Qhov siab mm
Seamless steel yeeb nkab
4.0 los yog tsawg dua + 0.6, -0.5
4 <t < 25 +0.150t, -0.125t
25 los yog siab dua +3.7 lossis +0.1t, qhov twg loj dua -3.0 lossis -0.1t, yuav loj dua
Welded raj
5.0 los yog tsawg dua +/- 0.5
5.0 <t < 15 Ntxiv los yog rho tawm 0.1 t
15 los yog ntau dua +/- 1.5


API 5L cev cev

Hlau qib: l360 uaN or X52n ua(PSL2)

Tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg cov cai:

C: ≤0.24

Si: ≤0.45

Mn: ≤1.40

P: ≤0.025

S: ≤0.015

V: ≤0.10

Nb:≤ 0.05

Tis: ≤0.04

Kub: ≤0.50

Tsis muaj: ≤0.30

Cr: ≤0.30

Mo: ≤0.15

V+Nb+Ti: ≤0.15

* Manganese cov ntsiab lus tuaj yeem nce ntxiv los ntawm 0.05% rau txhua txhua 0.01% txo cov ntsiab lus carbon, mus txog qhov siab tshaj ntawm 1.65%.

* Tsis txhob cia siab ntxiv ntawm boron, seem B≤0.001%

Cov pa roj carbon sib npaug:

CEP cm: ≤0.25

PEB : ≤0.43

* Siv CE thaum cov ntsiab lus carbon ntau dua 0.12%, thiab siv CE IIW thaum P cm cov ntsiab lus carbon tsawg dua lossis sib npaug li 0.12%.

CEP cm = C+Si/30+Mn/20+Cu/20+Ni/60+Cr/20+Mo/15+V/10+5B

Yog hais tias qhov tshwm sim ntawm smelting tsom xam ntawm B yog tsawg dua 0.0005%, ces tsis tas yuav tsum muaj xws li kev tsom xam ntawm lub ntsiab B nyob rau hauv cov khoom tsom xam, thiab cov ntsiab lus B yuav raug kho raws li xoom nyob rau hauv cov carbon sib npaug CEP cm xam.

CEIIW = C+Mn/6 (C+Mo+V)/5+(Ni+Cu)/ 15

Neeg kho tshuab khoom cov cai:

Tawm zog: 360-530Mpa

Tensile zog: 460-760Mpa

Yield ratio: ≤0.93 (tsuas yog siv tau rau D> 323.9mm steel yeeb nkab)

Weld tensile lub zog ntawm welded steel yeeb nkab: ≥460Mpa

Yam tsawg kawg nkaus elongation: = 1940 * AXC0.2/4600.9 , qhov twg AXC yog qhov chaw hla ntawm cov qauv tensile.

CVN cuam tshuam kev kuaj lub raj

Kev ntsuas kub 0.C

Qhia ib lub cheeb sab nraud ntawm D mm Tag nrho qhov loj CVNAbsorbed zogKVJ
508or ib 27
> 508 rau 762 27
> 762 rau 914 40
> 914-1219 ib 40
> 1219 txog 1422 40
> 1422 rau 2134 40

Sab nrauv txoj kab uas hla kam rau ua of hlau cev:

Sab nraud txoj kab uas hla D mm Xaus sab nraud qhov sib txawv
Seamless steel yeeb nkab Welded steel yeeb nkab
<60.3 -0.4 + 0.8
60.3 D lossis tsawg dua 168.3 lossis tsawg dua -0.4, +1.6
168.3 = 610 ± 0.005D, tab sis siab tshaj ± 1.6
610 AWV = 1422 +/- 2.0 +/- 1.6
> 1422 Los ntawm kev pom zoo

Phab ntsa tuab kam rau ua of hlau cev:

Phab ntsa thickness t mm Ua siab ntev
Seamless steel yeeb nkab
4.0 los yog tsawg dua + 0.6, -0.5
4 <t < 25 +0.150t, -0.125t
25 los yog siab dua +3.7 lossis +0.1t, qhov twg loj dua

-3.0 lossis -0.1t, coj loj dua

Welded yeeb nkab
5.0 los yog tsawg dua +/- 0.5
5.0 <t < 15 Ntxiv los yog rho tawm 0.1 t
15 los yog ntau tshaj +/- 1.5

Post lub sij hawm: Sep-26-2023